Looking for legal advice or representation on a legal matter?

Answer a few questions to see how Houston Volunteer Lawyers can help you.

HBA’s free LegalLine is now powered by Houston Volunteer Lawyers. Click “Start the Questionnaire” and follow the prompts.

For questions about HBA’s LegalLine, email info@hvlp.org or call 713-228-0735.

Additional resources can be found HERE.

Are you a lawful permanent resident (green card holder) and interested in becoming a US Citizen? Apply for help here.

HVL provides free legal help to eligible low-income residents of the Greater Houston area. We specialize in family, housing, wills, veterans’ issues, taxes, and other non-criminal matters. To find out if Houston Volunteer Lawyers can help you, please tell us about yourself and your legal concern by taking the questionnaire. To learn more, click the button below.

Areas We Can Help

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